Subscribe Instructions
1. Press the subscribe button on the product of your choice.
2. In Telegram press the start button on the HullBusterStoreBot. You will receive a message with a Subscribe button at the bottom.
3. Press the Subscribe button which brings you to the HullBuster subscribe bot.
4. Press the start button on the subscribe bot. You will receive a subscriber plan message with a credit card button at the bottom.
5. Press the credit card button and enter in the credit card number.
6. You should receive a message on the subscribe bot to let you join the channel you subscribed to.
7. Once in the channel you will see the robots available for that plan. Press the configuration button on any currency and it should take you to an account registration form.
8. After submitting the account information we will provision a slot on our server and send you a confirmation message. That part typically takes us a few hours to complete. We also test the broker to see if we can support it.
9. After provisioning is complete we will send you a confirmation message and you can proceed to configure your trading robot.

Step 1: Register Account
After subscribing to the Basic Plan you will receive a link to the plan invite only channel. You will also be able to send commands to our HullBuster Telegram bot. Call up the MetaTrader 5 account registration form and enter your broker information. If the broker is supported, server resources will be allocated for your account and you will be able to move to step 2. Otherwise, we will manually test access your broker to verify connectivity. Upon completion of your server slot you will receive an “all-systems-go” message after which you may visit the various features which your subscriber plan offers. The Basic and Premium plans include a 7 day free trial so if you are not satisfied with our service you must cancel before the trial period expires to avoid billing. You should also cancel if your broker cannot be reached from our servers since we cannot cancel for you. We will certainly inform you if this occurs.
Step 2: Send Test Order
We recommend sending a test trade with our market order form to ensure connectivity to your broker. Simply press the "Send Market Order" button beneath the currency pair image in your invite only channel. Orders executed in this way become part of the trading robot's recognized trades. Once executed the trade will be managed in accordance with system's inherent strategy. The Market Order form is a handy way to execute trades without loading the MetaTrader terminal. However, manual trading concurrent with the system is not recommended and is mentioned here only for connectivity testing. Responses are formatted as MQL5 centric messages which includes the position ID and deal number. Please be keen to the TRADE_RETCODE_PRICE_OFF result code received when the bid price is out of range and the order is rejected. The TRADE_RETCODE_MARKET_CLOSED is self explanatory when sent on a weekend or when your broker is closed. If your orders cannot be sent for any other reason than those mentioned above please contact us through the support channel.

Step 3: Configure System
Each subscription plan comes with a dedicated invite only channel. The channels list the automated systems available to that subscription. Click the “Configure” button beneath each currency to activate robotic trading. All systems come disabled by default. You must select the currencies you wish to trade on your registered account. The configuration form provides several relatively simple choices to control the trading behavior. However, each system is preconfigured at its lowest setting and may be sampled as is. Just slide the “Activate” switch. You should send a manual order with our order form (Step 2) prior to activating any automated system. We also recommend experimenting your systems on a demo account before going live. The system settings themselves are intended to tailor risk parameters to your individual comfort level. You cannot alter the strategy itself. So when trades are entered and under what market conditions are beyond the scope of the configuration form. If you wish to know more about how the strategies work then please visit the TL;DR page here. If you wish to create your own strategy then our webhook feature may be of interest. You can call up the documentation from our HullBuster bot. This goes without saying but you can always monitor your account from the MetaTrader 5 terminal on your own computer. Just log into your MT5 account.
User manual for the web app forms called up from your invite only channel
Each subscription entitles you to one or more invite only channels. Each channel represents one product bundle and is where you will find the robots available for that product. Currency pairs supported are displayed with configuration buttons for each robot in that pair. Robots are, by default, dormant until applied to an account and activated. You may activate as many robots as you like, taking capital and margin limits into consideration. Turn on only one or turn them all on for a full fledged trading experience!

Minimum Profit
All of our systems use a conditional exit and an internal profit threshold to close trades in the black. Your robot configuration form provides a way to extend the duration of profitable trades with the “Minimum Profit” field. This is a whole number value representing pips gain. To exit a trade earlier than the minimum threshold you can set a take profit limit. This will result in a limit order sent to your broker and thus appearing in the MT5 terminal. To set a hard stop sent to your broker add a stop offset. Both the limit and stop offsets are expressed as whole numbers indicating a pips quantity. The robot itself is actually a particular strategy associated with a specific currency pair. The configuration only applies to this single combination but each registered account can be configured uniquely. So for example: Evil Twins could be split across multiple accounts with three robots on one account and another three on another. Or the entire set could be duplicated with each account having completely different configurations. All of your configuration forms are accessible from your Telegram invite only channel.
Activate System
Although each system includes a multiple currency channel, you can select which instruments to run simultaneously via the “Activate System” slider. Turn on the whole set or only one. All of our systems produce around 30 to 50 trades a week so If you are trading on a limited budget you may need to reduce your margin exposure. Speaking of risk, the bread and butter of our systems are a product of two very useful features. Pyramiding and dollar cost averaging (DCA). If pyramiding is enabled, the system will increase the size of the open position as the price continues to move in the red. Trades are added at mathematically calculated pivot points in the price stream. DCA, on the other hand, increases the size of the position on entry. This is done incrementally as a method to recover losses from trades which previously closed at a loss. These are losses incurred in the trading program and not in the actual MT5 account. When the debt has been sufficiently recovered the DCA feature automatically resets the position size back to the user configured base size. Both these features can strain the available margin on low leverage accounts so it may be necessary to disable one or both via the web form sliders “Enable Pyramids” and “Enable DCA”.

Unsuspend Switches
Use the configuration form to set safety limits in order to preserve capital during adverse market events. All of our systems have built-in conditional stop and reversal thresholds but you can set an automatic stop order to further limit losses based on your own comfort level. Once the stop is hit the system will automatically go into suspension mode and subsequently stop trading. This will halt trading on the currency symbol only. All other instruments will be unaffected. If you prefer you can tailor an automatic
re-activation with the unsuspend switches.
Unsuspend On Entry - Gets back in on the next trade in the previous direction.
Unsuspend On Pyramid - Gets back in on the next pyramid in the previous direction.
Unsuspend On Reversal - Gets back in on the next trade in the opposite direction.
Our webapp forms are intended to provide guidelines to run your system in unattended mode for extended periods. Set the Relay Results switch to get execution results from your broker on your mobile device.
EA Comment String
Are you into prop trading? Looking for a system to take on the trading evaluation challenge? Our Evil Twins non-hedging strategies or our Meteor Tail unidirectional traders are our lowest margin and daily draw down systems. Reputable firms looking to sponsor talented traders such as FTMO and MFF may have restrictions on commercially available EAs and trading systems. In such circumstances, you may find it useful to set a specific EA comment string and magic number to avoid detection by the challenge phase automated monitors. For more information see our “FAQ” page.

Instant Hedging
The Reverse Intrinsic slider activates an advanced feature which causes your account to receive opposing trades on the same symbol. A MetaTrader 5 hedging account is required from your broker for this feature to work correctly. This option will appear on the configuration form of bidirectional robots. Once activated, the primary strategy’s trading direction is reversed. Thereby, generating an alternate version of the configured robot. This feature does not produce exact opposite orders. Instead, what happens, is the source script’s notional bias is inverted and only on entry signals. When the script is predominantly long then the alternate will be mostly short. What you will see in your account is long and short trades simultaneously open on the same instrument. Both sides of the position operate independently. However, the same configuration applies to both versions of the strategy. Therefore, your stops, limits and DCA settings apply to all orders on the target symbol regardless of the trading direction. The intent of this feature is to provide your robot maximum market participation during range bound conditions. It is not intended to provide a protective hedge or to perform as a mechanism to double your profits.
Switch up the trading behavior of your robot by activating the anti-martingale feature available on all bidirectional systems. Positions under this feature start off big and gradually decrease in size as the position moves through the draw down space. The initial size is a multiple of the configuration base lot size. Every pyramid signal thereafter reduces the position commensurate with its ordinal pyramid level. Since our pyramiding strategies start off small and increase as the position draws down, account equity is typically negative. If your trading style involves frequent withdrawals, going flat while in a pyramided position will likely realize a loss. With anti-martingale activated losses are realized periodically instead of ballooning until exit. So if you are the type of trader that wants to go flat at the end of every trading week or before a market moving event then this feature may provide better results. Since positions enter the market at the maximum size your account will expend more capital and utilize more margin. Our rule of thumb is to double the capital or halve the instruments. We recommend using a netting type account with this feature but hedging accounts are also supported. Hedging accounts reduce the position by applying offset trades which will appear as a same symbol hedge.

CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under — or over — compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.